Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo
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| Aquarius | Pisces

Capricorn and Health Horoscope


It’s time to reevaluate, according to the Capricorn 2011 yearly horoscope . In the past, you have skated through with a lack of attention to your health. Don’t take it for granted. Mentally, you will have to deal with the struggle brought on by the nagging of Saturn. If you pay attention to what your body needs, give it adequate food, exercise and rest, the Capricorn 2011 yearly horoscope shows that you will be more capable of battling the attack on your psyche that 2011 will try to bring. Either way, you will find peace by the fall. It’s only a matter of whether or not you want to spend your year fighting with yourself or working towards peace.

In 2011 you'll have to cope with prolonged stress and effort. Under these circumstances, you'd better plan everything in such a way so as to offer your body the rest and relaxation it needs. Moreover, beware from May to July 2011, when one of the eclipses of the summer and Mars' transit will reach your house of health, and in November-December 2011, when another eclipse and Mercury's retrogradation mark your house of contaminations, chronic diseases, hospitalizations and hidden dangers.

Health Forecast

Capricorn governs the bones of the body. They are strong if Capricorn is, and weak when Capricorn is. Also accidents involving the bones can be spotted in Capricorn. Especially the spine is a Capricorn thing, therefore also one's posture.

The Good News for 2011

On the occasion of new year Auroh offers you a 10% discount on medical treatment for the first 100 patients. Register here to avail this offer.