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Homeopathy treatment for Women Infertility

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Worldwide, about 10-12% of women ages 15 - 44, or about 86.1 million women, have problems getting pregnant or carrying a baby to term.

Risk Factors

Risk factors for female infertility include:

  • Age Fertility begins to decline when a woman reaches her mid-30s, and rapidly declines after her late 30s
  • Weight Extreme weight levels, either high or low, can contribute to infertility
  • Smoking Cigarette smoking can impair a woman’s fertility

Female Infertility Causes

Infertility may be caused by an underlying medical condition that damages the fallopian tubes, interferes with ovulation, or causes hormonal complications. These medical conditions include:

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Uterine fibroids

Ovulation Factors as a Cause of Infertility

As women age, their ovaries and the immature eggs contained therein age as well. Unlike men who produce new sperm on a regular basis, women are born with all the eggs they'll ever have. Their eggs may become damaged from years of exposure to hazards such as chemicals or radiation.

Too little estrogen also can cause infertility. As a woman ages and nears menopause, the amount of estrogen produced drops gradually. With less estrogen, the ovaries may not produce an egg each month. The result is fewer babies as a woman ages. Another cause for low estrogen levels is too little body fat. Women who exercise too much or diet excessively— sometimes due to eating disorders—may not produce enough estrogen for ovulation to occur. Other women with ovulatory problems have sufficient supplies of estrogen but lack other hormones, such as FSH, LH, and prolactin that affect other aspects of the cycle.

Certain kinds of birth control continue to reduce ovulation even after they are no longer used. For example, some women who take birth control pills find that it takes them a few months to begin ovulating again once they've stopped taking the pill. After 2-3 years off the pill, however, their rates of ovulation are the same as for other women who use barrier contraception. Contraceptive implants that contain hormones offer a rapid return of fertility. On the other hand, contraceptive injections of hormones may substantially delay the return of fertility. It can take anywhere from 4 to more than 30 months for fertility to return.

Tubal and Peritoneal Factors as a cause of Infertility

Conditions affecting the fallopian tubes or the peritoneum sometimes cause infertility. The peritoneum is a strong sac that lines the inside of the abdomen. It forms a sort of bag that contains the digestive organs and runs alongside the fallopian tubes.

Scarring or blockage in the tubes may cause infertility. One of the most common causes of damaged tubes is infections. When STDs are untreated, they can worsen and move up the uterus into the tubes. This is pelvic inflammatory disease, a major cause of blocked tubes. Use of an intrauterine device increases the risk of infection, especially in young women with several sexual partners. Some researchers say that smoking cigarettes changes the lining of the fallopian tubes, inflaming them and making them less hospitable to conception.

When tubes are damaged, an ectopic pregnancy is more likely if conception occurs. In an ectopic pregnancy, the egg is fertilized as in a normal pregnancy but it does not implant in the uterus. Instead, often because the fallopian tubes are damaged, it implants in the tube or somewhere in the peritoneum and begins to grow there. Because it can burst the tube, ectopic pregnancy can be life threatening. If you have a history of pelvic infections, your chances of ectopic pregnancy are four times greater than normal.

Other problems include adhesions, in which nearby organs or tissues bind themselves together. An adhesion that causes another organ to pull on a fallopian tube may move the tube away from the ovary. This prevents the tube from catching the egg when it is released. Adhesions may be caused by infection, previous surgery on the pelvic organs, or endometriosis.

The role of endometriosis in infertility is the subject of great debate among doctors. In endometriosis, tissue like that lining the uterus moves to other places in the abdomen where it begins growing in response to hormones, just as the endometrium does. Such growth can cause pain and inflammation. Up to one-third of infertile women are found to have endometriosis. We do not know if this is just a coincidence or if the endometriosis helps cause the infertility. Severe or extensive endometriosis can cause adhesions. Severe disease is definitely thought to be linked to infertility.

Cervical and Uterine Factors as a cause of Infertility

The cervix is the narrow neck that forms the opening of the uterus to the vagina. It produces mucus that either helps or hinders the movement of sperm depending on where a woman is in her menstrual cycle. As a woman nears ovulation, mucus thins and becomes slippery and stretchy to help move the sperm through the cervix. The mucus looks much like raw egg white. If the mucus is thick or scanty instead, it is much more difficult for the sperm to move. High levels of nicotine have been found in the cervical mucus of women who smoke. Nicotine can be toxic to sperm.

Surgery on the cervix may also interfere with fertility. Some types of operations, such as conization (removing a wedge of tissue from the cervix), may result in scarring or little to no mucus production.

Other Factors of Uterus as cause of Infertility

The uterus may be affected by infections or adhesions. An infection of the lining of the uterus, endometritis, can be caused by STDs such as gonorrhea. Tuberculosis also can cause endometritis. Overgrowth of the uterine lining, called endometrial hyperplasia, or endometrial cancer can cause infertility as well.

If a woman has had the lining of her uterus scraped by D&C, or dilation and curettage after a pregnancy or for abnormal bleeding, the lining may not grow back properly. Adhesions may form, or the lining may be thin; either condition can contribute to infertility. The condition is known as Asherman’s Syndrome.

Growths in the uterus, such as fibroids, have been studied as possible causes of infertility. Although they may play a small role, if any in infertility, a doctor may remove them if no other cause for infertility is found.

An abnormally shaped uterus, such as one with a thin wall (septum) running down its middle, also known as septate uterus, can affect a woman's ability to have a child. Affected women are born with these defects that cause miscarriage (loss of the baby before it is ready to be born) rather than inability to conceive.

Antibodies against Sperm prevent Fertilization

Some women and men produce antibodies against sperm. When the immune system malfunctions, it sees the sperm as a foreign threat and produces antibodies to fight them. The antibodies affect the ability of the sperm to move freely.

Unexplained Infertility

Sometimes a reason cannot be found for a couple's infertility. Even without knowing a cause, however, certain steps can be taken to increase the chance of conceiving. Some measures a couple can take themselves. Each month, approximately 3 percent of couples with unexplained infertility conceive on their own.

Auroh Advanced Homeopathic treatment for Infertility

We have been working hard to provide the best possible and the safest treatment for infertility in women and men, and the good news is we have successfully treated several patients world over having Infertility due to various causes.

Homeopathy is scientifically and clinically the best and safest mode of treatment for Infertility, Here we keenly analyze the patients disease history and prepare a personalized treatment plan for the patient. Since Infertility can be caused due to various reasons, regular follow ups and counseling are very important for the patients. Our Physicians take utmost care and concern while treating such patients. Don’t feel the setback due to this problem; Auroh is here to set your reproductive life on track.

Homeopathy is Highly recommended for Infertility in both Women & Men

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