Following are some of the simple tips for psoriasis:
Avoid eating hot, spicy and pungent foods. They are difficult to digest and cause toxins in the blood. When the toxins build up in the body, the psoriasis can spread to a great extent.
Avoid using salts and curds as they can inflame the skin further. They may cause severe itching and hence more discomfort. Rock salt can be taken in small quantities for flavoring, but not the salt readily available in the market which is iodized.
Include green vegetables, cucumber, carrot, fruits as they are good for psoriasis patient. Fruits that are beneficial in psoriasis are beets, grapes, cucumber, etc.
Patient should take bath in sea water. It has shown good improvement in psoriasis patient’s skin.
Bath in Epsom salt or oatmeal containing water is also recommended. Do not use chemical-based soaps as it will make the problem severe and painful.
After bathing, always dry your body with soft, clean towel after bath. Reduce the intake of fats, animal proteins and sugars.
Including bitter tasting food in your diet, like bitter gourd and the bitter variety of drumstick has helped patients show better improvement in their condition. These foods help in purifying the blood and also facilitate the kidneys to flush out the toxins from the blood.
Cabbage is very common home remedy for the treatment of psoriasis. Take the outermost layer of a cabbage, clean it using warm water. Rinse all the extra water by pressing between a towel. Once the leaf is dried, spread it on the slab, and flatten it by pressing with hand. Warm the leaf and gently cover it over the infected area. Cover it with a clean cloth. This process should be repeated for 3-4 times a day for the period when the infected area is not fully recovered.
Cover a fresh thin banana leaf on the affected part. This is very effective in improving psoriasis.
Important to note: The above tips are our patient’s experiences which they shared with us during the course of treatment, these tips they were following along with our medication.
The above tips are not clinically verified by us, since they are natural and involve using day to day products we recommend them. Moreover since homeopathy is a natural way of treating individuals, these procedures rarely contraindicate.
Always ask or inform your physician if you are practicing any of the above procedure